HU Travellers Meeting Ireland 2014
5th Annual Horizons Unlimited Overland Adventure Travel Event
Friday July 18 - Sunday July 20, 2014 - Enniskillen, Ireland
It's All About Overland Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...
Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Horizons Unlimited Ireland Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Friday, July 18 to Sunday, July 20, 2014.
The plan is simple. Show up on Friday afternoon, meet people and setup. Travel Presentations and Tech seminars are planned throughout the meeting, starting Friday evening.
Presenters at HU Ireland 2014 included...
Billy Ward, Bike TruckAfrica - Another axis of evil? |
You're going to Africa? You sure? It's very dangerous you know. Machetes, diseases and all sorts. Have you been? 'er No'.
Well, let's get something straight, Africa is not a country! So why do so many of us bundle ALL the countries of this continent into one and then choose the worst characteristics of a couple of them to describe the whole lot?
We shouldn't really be surprised at this should we? When we listen to the 24/7 news media telling us how dangerous the whole world is. If we took too much notice of that, well, we wouldn't be riding to Belfast never mind Africa.
This prezo aims at sharing some of my thousands of kilometers across many parts of the world and will try and dispel the myth of the 'axis of evil' and help trigger that spark that gets you buying new underwear a few maps and packing the panniers!
I'll share some road trip stories and images of rides with Charley Boorman, primarily in Africa, including South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Mozambique and even an illegal dash into Angola. I'll also share some insight into what it's like working with Charley, ten years on from Long Way Round.
I've been adventure travelling in bike terms for the last 10 years. Africa, Central America, Australia, USA all on motorbikes. Working with several UK TV celebrities including The Hairy Bikers, Ross Noble and Charley Boorman, has helped me develop opportunities in adventure biking & Theatre / TV production.
Paddy Tyson, Overland MagazineNepal and Tibet, plus Riding the Americas on a dodgy Italian Stallion |
Nepal and Tibet - Exploring the Himalayas on an Enfield
Amazing riding, beautiful people and literally breath-taking vistas. It's a part of the world like no other which will make you weak at the knees. And dizzy. And thirsty. And sick...
Why unreliable machinery is more fun. Riding the Americas on a dodgy Italian stallion
Setting out for the second time to ride from Alaska to Argentina, Paddy Tyson chooses a bike which starts conversations and small fires...
Paddy Tyson has been travelling overland since his first trans America in 1976. He manages to hold down jobs just long enough to gather funds for his next trip, but now, as editor of Overland Magazine, he may have found the perfect career.
Geoff HillIn Clancy's Boots - Recreating the world's first RTW ride - 100 years on |
Geoff Hill and Gary Walker on recreating the journey of the world's first round the world biker Carl Stearns Clancy 100 years on - complete with Clancy's original boots.
Geoff Hill has ridden a Royal Enfield from Delhi to Belfast, Triumph Tigers from Chile to Alaska and all the way around Australia, and a BMW R1200GS Adventure around the world following the route of the first RTW rider, Carl Stearns Clancy, 100 years ago.
Stephen ClarkHow To Spend Your Redundancy |
A 6 month solo trip visiting Morocco, parts of Europe with a touch of Turkey whilst making new friends along the way.
The dream began way back when in junior school around the time we joined the EEC and by 1985 (a year or two later...), I had finished reading Jupiter's Travels and bought myself a Suzuki 250. The first time I pushed the starter button I knew this was the only way to travel. I saved like mad, then bought a house; I saved again, then got married; I saved again, then went to university; I saved once more, then cleared the mortgage; I saved again, then was made redundant... I packed my bike.
After nearly 30 years of dreaming I was finally planning my trip - they say the fun is in the anticipation? Well I say they need to travel. I may have many years and miles under my belt, even short European trips, but nothing could have prepared me for the fun that every day on the road as a solo traveller could bring.
My presentation will be about the trip planning, the early days of getting accustomed to another day on the road, visiting Morocco, making new friends, the easy (and not-so-easy) border crossings and the shock of returning home and attempting to settle into a routine of work.
Liam McCabeMake it up as you go along... |
The story of my 4 year round the world journey, leaving Belfast in 1999. Photos and short videos.
Liam McCabe travelled round the world leaving in 1999 on a Honda Africa twin and spent 3 years and 9 months on the road.
Jeff SmithMexico & The Copper Canyon |
Copper Canyon, Mazatlan, Durango, Real deal Catorce, Zacatecus, Chihuahua. Ride with me through the Copper Canyon and some of the most exciting and beautiful cities of old Mexico.
Jeff has 40+ years riding motorcycles. Riding experiences: US: most all of the states including Alaska, Canada: most of the provinces including the Yukon & NWT... Rode the Dempster in a driving rain, Mexico: road through the Copper Canyon, the Devils Backbone, etc. Western Europe, and will be on a RTW trip when he attends the meeting in Ireland.
Bernard SmithTouching the World - by Bernard Smith |
Bernard Smith circled the world and returned to write 'Touching the World' - the story of his journey with the first blind person to circumnavigate the globe on a motorcycle.
The presentation will give a short background into the 'perception' of our journey before moving onto specific events experienced on the journey.
Claire ElsdonOne woman's solo motorcycle journey from London to Capetown |
Claire quit her city career in 2012 to live the dream and spent 9 months riding solo from London to Capetown via the East Coast of Africa. 27 countries, 18k miles and several brushes with death later, she made it and lived to tell the tale!
"A brief foray into why I took this journey and the reactions of those around me. Then 5 stories highlighting some of the many ups and downs (mostly ups, but not before it looked as though I might well end up abducted/dead/missing a few limbs on each occasion!) along the way - many of which centred around the theme of my experiences as a lone female, but I'm sure equally applicable to any adventurous/mad person of who's keen to really experience another continent."
Liam and Naomi McIlhoneUp On The Roof - Adventures in South America in an old Land Rover Discovery |
Cultural diversity, vast landscapes, dramatic scenery and wide horizons enticed grandparents Liam and Naomi McIlhone, to explore South America in a 19-year-old Land Rover Discovery. Previous forays by motorbike into the high Andes and Patagonia had barely whetted Liam's appetite for this fascinating continent, while for Naomi, the opportunity of exploring South America for the first time was irresistible.
Taking the long route across the Atlantic by freighter, the road trip kicked off in Montevideo, Uruguay in September 2013 and will conclude at the Horizons Unlimited Meeting in Enniskillen, in July 2014.
The presentation will include stories and pictures of their adventures in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Brasil and Uruguay.
Aidan McParlandIs the Black Sea really black or what? |
Two Irish riders head off on a noble quest to discover why or how the Black Sea got it's name. Or is it just an excuse to ride their motorcycles through eight countries over three weeks?
Andy RutherfordThrills and Spills of Cycling through South America |
"I gave up my job in Edinburgh in March 2013, flew to Caracas with my bicycle (as you do!) and I have been cycling southwards ever since. My plan is to continue through Chile and Argentina and arrive in Punta Arenas in Southern Chile in March 2014."
Educational Sessions
Because Horizons Unlimited events are about informing, not just inspiring, we also have a great lineup of educational sessions for you...
Paddy Tyson, Overland MagazineWanna see yerself in print? Hints and tips for getting your travel story published |
Author, columnist, editor of books and of Overland Magazine, Paddy Tyson provides a little insight into what happens after you've submitted your carefully crafted manuscript. Paddy is the bestselling author of 'The Hunt for Puerto del Faglioli', a Motorcycle Adventure in Search of the Improbable.
Graham FieldAchievable Realities with Minimal Means |
Riding in the real world, with a small budget, strong desires and infinite dreams.
Where are we?
Presentations, demos, technical sessions, etc. will be held at:
Cavanacarragh Hall
Enniskillen, Fermanagh
BT94 5GL
Information and Entertainment!
Camping is at the Lisbellaw Hurling Club, and is included in your registration fee.
Available a la carte at the event.
For 2014, we're holding the event in mid-July, hoping for that elusive Irish summer!
More maps!
Click the map above for a larger version.
How to get there - Google Maps
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Have YOU ever wondered who has ridden around the world? We did too - and now here's the list of Circumnavigators!
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Does the smell of spices wafting through the air make you think of Zanzibar, a cacophony of honking horns is Cairo, or a swirl of brilliantly patterned clothing Guatemala? Then this is the site for you!
Hosted by Grant and Susan Johnson, RTW 1987-1998
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Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Ecuador June 13-15
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
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Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Date TBC
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