- Pre-Registration
- Pre-Register to attend the Meeting
- Present YOUR travel adventure!
- Present YOUR Tech Clinic - good at something of interest to motorcycle Travellers? Please do a Tech Clinic for us!
- Vendors! Register here
- Press! Magazine, newspaper, TV, radio etc with credentials, Register here
- Please Volunteer to help out! Odd jobs, registration, gate, etc. Just 2 hours of your time, and it's a great way to meet people! Register on this page and tick Volunteer box, OR here if you have already registered and want to add volunteering.
- Pre-Register to attend the Meeting
- Meeting Location - Where is it?
- Camping on site
- Other Accommodation
- Information about the area
- Membership
- Rides
- Local hosts, information
How you can help - put up a few posters! Event
poster available! Please post it everywhere!
Want to know what people thought of other HU Meetings? Is it worth coming to the Meeting?
"I'm so looking forward to another UK meet. My only problem is that I simply can't get to every talk I want, such is the amount of terrific presentations on offer. Each year I've been astonished at how articulate, intelligent, informative and entertaining the speakers are. I'm willing to help with anything that doesn't keep me from a talk - and my timetable will be full to bursting!"
The Plan
The plan is simple. Show up on Thursday or at the latest Friday afternoon, meet people and setup. Travel Presentations and Tech clinics are planned throughout the meeting, starting Thursday night. More Detailed Schedule here.
We can always use some help! If you want to assist, please sign up to volunteer to assist on the day or here for advance work or to ask questions. Thanks!
2010 Speakers and Tech Clinics:
- Around the world on a K75
- Ed Mendes
Not the most poplular bike for the job, but even in places like Mongolia it made it through just fine! A great story and photos.
- Ed Mendes
- Riding the Alps and Europe
- Trans-Labrador Adventure
- Bill Hooykaas
Riding around Labrador before the final transect was completed last fall, some tips and side trips to consider as well.
- Bill Hooykaas
- Explorando el Sur
- Efrain Martinez and Ileana La Torre, MotoNomadas
Two Latinos planning to explore Central and South America on Sidecar, and help Bruce Organisation to educate street kids and eradicate poverty in Latin America.
- Efrain Martinez and Ileana La Torre, MotoNomadas
- Women only
- a very popular session - I'm told it's a must for the ladies, so plan on being there!
- Fix that flat! How to change a
tire anytime, anywhere
- How to prevent flats in the first place, and fix them when you get one. The best tools and how to use them for tube and tubeless tires. Hand's on practical and tire changing contest for beginners to experts.
- Photo Composition for Travellers, and a Critique of YOUR photos
- Grant Johnson, Canada
Transform your trip photos from boring to fabulous! Bring 10 photos on a USB key or SD card for discussion - what's missing, or not quite right, or just plain BAD - and how to correct the mistakes we all make. Bring some photos on a flash drive if you'd like a critique.
- Grant Johnson, Canada
- 11 Years on the Road, RTW
- Grant Johnson
Grant and Susan's show of their RTW trip hasn't been seen since 2000, so due to popular demand - well one or two - it's been resurrected with loads of never seen before pictures. Maybe...if there's time.
- Grant Johnson
- Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Grant's ever-popular tire-changing session at the HU North Carolina 2009 Meeting.
- and more to come! How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and clinics - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please contact me here to volunteer.
Here's what we had in 2009:
2009 Seminars
- The Achievable Dream
- Grant Johnson, Canada
Learn from Horizons Unlimited's founder and 11 year round-the-world veteran everything you need to know to ride to the next country or the next continent. Sound scary? Get the inspiration and information so YOU can hit the road!
- Grant Johnson, Canada
- Beyond! New Found Land!
- Bill Hooykaas
Arctic ride across the Trans-Labrador Highway.
- Bill Hooykaas
- VistA Tour
- Peter Bodtke
A man, a motorcycle and a healthcare technology mission. 11,000 mile, three month, three weeks traveling from New Jersey to Costa Rica and back.
- Peter Bodtke
- Ohio to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and Back
- David Bowers
Prepping the bike - and how it worked out!
- David Bowers
- 11 Years on the Road, RTW
- Grant Johnson
Grant and Susan's show of their RTW trip hasn't been seen since 2000, so due to popular demand - well one or two - it's been resurrected with loads of never seen before pictures. (if we have time)
- Grant Johnson
- how about you?? Let us know if you have something to show! Volunteers wanted for these and any other subjects you'd like to talk about! It's easy and fun, and we'll help you out.
2009 Tech clinics, Saturday/Saturday night:
- Fix that flat! How to change a tire anytime, anywhere
- Grant Johnson, Canada
How to prevent flats in the first place, and fix them when you get one. Grant's changed thousands, and will show you all the secrets to make it easy. The best tools and how to use them for tube and tubeless tires. Hand's on practical and tire changing contest for beginners to experts!
- Grant Johnson, Canada
- Prep your bike for the long trip!
- Grant Johnson, Canada
Is your bike ready for long distance travel? Grant will conduct a hands on assessment and discussion of bike set up and prep, looking at YOUR bike.
- Grant Johnson, Canada
- Off-road Basics
- Lee Allison and Grant Johnson
We'll do a beginners session for those who've never ridden off-road, or had a bad time when they did. Low speed CONTROL, even for street bikes, will be the focus. Tight feet up u-turns with ease, and how NOT to hit the rock in the road.
- Lee Allison and Grant Johnson
- Photo Composition for Travellers
- Grant Johnson, Canada
The one everyone SHOULD take, but no one does... We all want to take great photos of our trip - so why don't we? This easy clinic will transform your motorcycle travel photos from boring to fabulous! BRING your photos on a CD or Flash Drive, max 10, and we'll critique and discuss YOUR photos - what's good, and what's not - and how they could be improved.
- Grant Johnson, Canada
There will be slide shows and tech clinics on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and all day Saturday. Come
early and make it a great weekend! We recommend riding on Thursday Friday and Sunday, and participating in the clinics evenings and
A guided ride, Saturday:
"The ride mapped out is 140+/- miles. It is very tight both gravel and paved roads for the most part except for a couple 6-8 miles sections. There will be a number of 'bail out' points to return to Ironhorse. Best suited for XR650, KLR, 640 Adventure, DR650, DRZ400. I have ridden all these roads on 950 Adventure as well and the big Tigers, GS's etc should be fine for anyone but novice off-roaders. All on roads, no single track. Plan on min moving time of 4-5 hours. The roads are tight and mostly 2-3-4 gear stuff."
We'd like to have a volunteer to lead this ride. Let me know here if you can. Thanks!
Russ Corn has volunteered to lead a ride! Thanks Russ!
And there'll be more too! Book your place as soon as you get there, numbers will be limited.
Ride leaders and sweep riders wanted!
Do-it-yourself Ride information.
Self-guided Ride details
Tail of the Dragon / Cherohala Skyway Loop ride
More ride info to come. Send in any you have!
If you know of any travel equipment vendors who should be there, please suggest it to them! Vendors please contact me for details.
It's all over... you missed it! Please see the Meetings page, and look for the current years meeting link.
Reservations and Registration
Sorry you're way too late! Go back to the Meetings page, and look for the current years meeting link.
Membership - Show you're proud to be a Horizons Unlimited Traveller!
Just to clarify the membership situation: Currently there is no requirement to be a member to access the website, the HUBB or to receive the monthly e-zine. For now, what you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive.
We will also upgrade your status in the HUBB to Contributing or Gold Member. In addition to recognising your contribution through your status, this will allow you to upload a custom profile picture and custom avatar, store more private messages, upload more pictures, add events to the calendar and create polls.
If you wish to buy a t-shirt, mug, fleece jacket or other Horizons logo product from the Souk, you can purchase Member or Gold Member logo products at the basic price. Just let us know and we can arrange access to the Members Private Store.
Note that new Memberships with your Meeting Registration are applied as of the Meeting date or as soon as possible thereafter, not earlier, unless you make a special request in the Comments box when you register.
T-Shirt Deal
Cotton: Top quality heavy cotton t-shirts in black or grey.
Synthetic: (Dri-Fit) t-shirts are in a beautifully made wicking material, and make great travel / riding t-shirts as well as all-round wear t-shirts. Available in a variety of colours at most meetings, and always black or grey. The order section will list the colours available.
Note that we will have a very few t-shirts extra at each meeting, but very limited - we can't carry many! So please pre-order and pay in advance so you can be sure of getting what you want.
2012 Tshirt slogan "The open road is calling, and I have a world to ride!"
(large, full back)
You can help!
If you have a few minutes, please download the poster ( Adobe pdf format) and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.
Poster in pdf format (500kb) full colour Event poster. (You may need to right click and choose "save target as...")
The Meeting Location
Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge, Cabins and Campground
1755 Lower Stecoah Road,
North Carolina 28771
For more information:
Telephone: 1-828-479-3864
More info on their website, and a review of Iron Horse in "Motorcycle Consumer News." (128kb .pdf)
Getting There - GPS, Maps
GPS Co-ordinates: N35 deg 23' 20", W83 deg 40' 38"
Iron Horse is located in Graham County, North Carolina, on Lower Stecoah Road just north off Highway 28. A short 30 minute ride to the Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap and the scenic Cherohala Skyway, two of the best motorcycle destinations in the United States.
Other Accommodation Possibilities
Note: Camping is NOT included with your admission to the meeting. Reservations for camping (not required, but requested) and cabins, bunkhouse, rent-a-tent, (REQUIRED) here. Book EARLY!
Other accommodation possibilities are a little ways away - details to come.
Suggestions anyone?
Information about the area
Can you supply us with links, and other info on the places to ride, and interesting things to see in the area? Let us know here.
- Ian Schmeisser has written a great article on the best roads and backroads of North Carolina and Tennessee - enough to keep you well occupied for a couple of weeks!
- Ironhorse is in Graham County, NC. www.grahamchamber.com promotes the county and has driving directions to Graham County from Asheville, Atlanta and Knoxville. Even though the directions are not directly to Ironhorse, this site might be useful.
- Great information on the "Tail of the Dragon" - otherwise known as US129, near Deal's Gap, with 318 curves in 11 miles, can be found on the "official" Tail of the Dragon website. An awesome road! We will have a few maps from the website, but it would be wise to print your own in advance. Available here. There is also info on Deals Gap, Cherohala Skyway and 2 Dual Sport rides.
- North Carolina's 'Scenic Byways' website has a lot of great information on various scenic roads in North Carolina. They also sent Karen a book she says is great. It will be on display at the Meeting. Viewable online in pdf format or can be ordered from their website for only $5.00 each.
- Great whitewater rafting is available nearby at Wildwater Rafting, and also at The Falling Waters Adventure Resort there's whitewater rafting, mountain biking, horseback riding, fishing, canoeing and kayaking.
- Wheels Through Time Museum a "35-year collection of rare American motorcycles and automobiles...230-vehicle collection in the lovely community of Maggie Valley, North Carolina, located just a few miles off of I-40 and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Maggie Valley is a quiet community of 400 people nestled in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains." Owner Dale Walksler has very generously donated door prizes for our meeting, and wants to invite you to come visit the museum - he'll be delighted to meet you!
Any info you have on the area, rides etc, please let me know.
Local Bike Shops
Let us know any good dealers nearby!
And a special thanks to all the local sponsors and supporters!
- Ghost Town Harley-Davidson "Western North Carolina's only source for authorized Harley-Davidson® sales, service and accessories."
- Wheels Through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, NC - "rare American motorcycles and automobiles"
- Bluemoon Cycle in Norcross, GA. - "one of the largest volume BMW motorcycle dealers in the Southeast."
- Fraziers Harley Davidson in Buford, GA. - "Our goal is simple. We want to keep everyone happy."
- Atlanta Triumph Ducati in Atlanta, GA. - " a haven for motorcycle enthusiasts to hang out and discuss bikes with like minded fanatics."
- Precision Cycle & ATV Sylva, NC. - a full-service shop - "Mechanics are the backbone of the business"
- Smith Power Sports "products to make your outdoor living easier and more enjoyable. We offer experience, fair prices, and a friendly atmosphere." Kawasaki and KTM.
- Mortons BMW, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Mortons have been a long-time Horizons Unlimited supporter, so a special thanks to them, and for coming all the way to the meeting! Say hi to Steve, he'll be wandering around...
- BMW Motorcycles of Atlanta, "the leading BMW dealer in the southeast, with all the latest models, genuine BMW accessories and your exclusive source for BMW clothing in Georgia"
Please drop in for a visit and thank them for their support.
Local Hosts
is the local host for this event - we're VERY grateful to him for stepping up and really making it happen with a lot of legwork and effort, there were a lot of complications to make it happen. We could REALLY use some help on the day too - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours!